Ruben Apressyan (Russia)
Non-absoluteness of Nonviolence (discussion).
Social Ethics: Approaches (lecture).
Social Ethics: The Sense of Morality. Morality in Society (lecture).
Social Ethics: Its Substance, Order, and Dimensions (lecture).
The History and Cross-disciplinary Experience of Case-Study Method: Lessons for Teaching Ethics (lecture).
The Philosophy of Love: Paradigmatic Shift (lecture).
The Philosophy of Love: The Fate of Romantic Love (lecture).
Predrag Cicovacki (USA): The Problem of Moral Authority in Kant and Post-Kantian Ethics
1. Three Pillars of Kant's Ethics (lecture).
2. Reactions to Kant's Ethics (lecture).
3. Postmodernism as a Crisis of Moral Authority (lecture).
4. Teaching Kant: On the First and the Second Reading of the Same Text.
5. Exercise of the First and the Second Reading, on the Example of Kant's Essay: «On the Supposed Right to Lie Because of Philanthropic Concerns»
Trudy Govier (Canada): Responding to Wrongs
1. Responding to Wrongdoing: An Overview of the Problem (lecture).
2. Victims, Revenge, and Retribution (discussion).
3. Concepts of Forgiveness (lecture).
4. The Unforgivable (lecture).
5. Applications of these Ethical Considerations to Political Contexts (discussion).
Abdusalam Gusseinov (Russia)
Goals and Values: Morality within the System of Human Activity (discussion).
Morality as a Motive of Conduct (lecture).
Correlation between Subjunctive and Imperative Moods in Moral Language (lecture).
Negative Moral Actions (lecture).
Is Moral Justification of Violence Possible? (discussion).
Robert Holmes (USA)
1. Virtue Ethics (master-class).
2. Consequentialism (master-class).
3. Contractarianism (master-class).
4. The Death Penalty (discussion).
5. Nonviolence (discussion).
Artem Kobzev (Russia): Chinese Ethics
1. Chinese Philosophy as Super-Ethics (lecture).
2. Four Dominant Ethical Programs (lecture).
3. Categorial Foundations of Chinese Ethics (lecture).
4. Confucian Anthropology (lecture).
5. «The Great Teaching» – the Ethical Canon of Chinese Culture (reading).
Vladimir Nazarov (Russia): Unknown Russian Ethics
1. Theory of Morality. The Idea of “Special” Ethics and its Importance for Overcoming Ethical Formalism and Universalism (on the article by D.Chizhevsky, "On Formalism in Ethics: Remarks on Modern Crisis in Ethical Theory") (lecture).
2. Judicial Ethics. The Idea of Moral-legal Synthesis (on the work by N.Reimerce, Law and Morality: Morphology of Moral Consciousness ) (lecture and reading).
3. Sociology of Morality. The Idea of Heroic Ethics (on the work of P.Boranetsky, On Human Dignity: Foundations of Heroic Ethics ) (lecture and reading).
4. Theology of Morality. The Idea of Auto-Theourgistic Ethics (on the article by G.Gurvich, "Ethics and Religion") (lecture and reading).
5. Culture and Morality. The Idea of Justification of Ethics in the Context of Russian Culture (on the article by G.Fedotov, "In Defense of Ethics") (lecture and reading).
Pavel Tischenko (Russia)
The Methods of Case-study. Casuistry (lecture).
The Methods of Case-study. Principalism (lecture).
The Methods of Case-study. Narrative (lecture).
The Development of Biomedical Technologies and the Ethical Issues of Transsexuality (lecture).
Practical Bioethical Analysis: on the Fiction Movie Day Eight (workshop).
Mikhail Epstein (USA)
The Change of Humanities Paradigm and Ethics (lecture).
Stereo-Ethics. Co-Virtues. Diamond-Golden Rule (lecture).
Ethical Foundation of the Theory of Eros (lecture).