R.L. Holmes
1. What is punishment? Our concern is with punishment as an institutionalized
practice in society. As such it may be defined as follows:
PUNISHMENT: The premeditated infliction of prescribed pain, deprivation, or
death upon persons for perceived offenses by them or persons associated with
As such, punishment is distinguished from revenge, which is retaliation for
injury or wrong received (by oneself or those one identifies with). Revenge
may be a measured retaliation, but it need not (one may inflict greater harm
than received). Revenge is distinguished from Lex Talionis, measured or proportionate
retaliation in kind for harm or injury received ("An eye for an eye
Leviticus ).
2. Punishment is usually justified either on consequentialist or retributivist
grounds. The consequentialist grounds are forward looking, the retributivist
grounds backward looking.
The typical consequentialist justification of societal punishment is that it
promotes a social good, namely, deterrence of similar offenses by others. But
consequentialist justifications may appeal to the promotion of a good for the
victims of crime or for the offenders themselves, as Plato did.
Consequentialist Justifications:
1. The good of society
2. The good of victims
3. The good of offenders
Retributivist theories justify punishment by appeal to the nature of the offense,
or the character of the offender, or both, irrespective of the consequences
of the punishment. Thus, the heinousness of a crime, or the evil or malicious
nature of the offender, might be taken to require punishment. Hegel thought
the death penalty showed respect for the offender as a rational being by holding
him accountable for what he had done.
3. Can the death penalty be justified on grounds of deterrence? Deterrence
is causing people to refrain from something because of the expected retaliation.
It presupposes, that but for the expected retaliation, persons would perform
the act in question. Problem: it is difficult to know whether the death penalty
deters in this sense (though we can know that the death penalty fails to deter
every times there is a murder).
4. Can the death penalty be justified on retributive grounds? We can know whether
crimes are heinous. It is less easy to be certain of the character of those
committing the crimes. Problem: The possibility of penitence (a moral good)
must be weighed against the retributivist goods of accountability and respect
for rational beings.
Readings: Thomas A. Mappes & Jane S. Zembaty (eds.), Social Ethics, 6th
ed.(McGraw Hill), Chapter 3.