The HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching
The Advancement of University Education in Ethics
The Second Summer School
June 22 - July 12, 2005

R.L. Holmes

1. Morality deals with human conduct. But different approaches to ethics emphasize either conduct directly (the Ethics of Conduct) or the nature and character of persons performing the conduct (The Ethics of Virtue). Specifically, Virtue Ethics stresses traits, habits, or dispositions that help to comprise character. Some of these, like courage and temperance, are considered virtues. Others, like cowardice and greed, are considered vices.

2. Plato, like many of the ancient Greeks, stresses four cardinal virtues: Wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. Virtue, he defines, as that which enables a thing to perform its specific function well. This presupposes a teleological conception of human beings (and of nature generally). That is, each part of the body has a specific function (the eyes to see, the ears to hear). The particular excellence of the eyes enables them to see; of the ears, to hear. Likewise, the specific function of the soul is to enable the whole person to live well. The virtue which enables it to do that is justice, which signifies the harmonious functioning of all the parts of the soul (Reason, Spirited element, appetites).

3. Aristotle distinguish moral from intellectual virtues. Intellectual virtues comprise Theoretical and practical reason; moral virtues include such things as generosity, courage, justice. Moral virtues are habits formed by self-consciously performing right acts in the appropriate circumstances. After repeatedly performing right acts, acting rightly (in situations of that sort) becomes habitual. One then has that particular virtue.

For St. Thomas Aquinas, who follows Aristotle in characterizing virtues as habits, theological virtues must be added. These are Faith, Hope, and Charity.

4. A central problem for virtue ethics: What precisely is the relationship between virtue and right conduct? If, as with Aristotle, right conduct must come first, then there is a sense in which the Ethics of Conduct enjoys priority over Virtue Ethics. We must have an Ethics of Conduct first, and then show how Virtue is derived from it. If, on the other, Virtue Ethics comes first, and right conduct is understood as conduct that issues from a virtuous character, then how is it (if not by acting rightly) that one comes to acquire the virtues?

Readings: R.L. Holmes, Basic Moral Philosophy, 3rd Ed. (Wadsworth), Chapters 3 & 4.

Updated: 18.03.2005.