Luca Scarantino, PhD, Equipe d'épistémologie des modèles sémiotiques et cognitifs, EHESS. Secretary-general of Fisp General Editor, Diogenes. Conseil international de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (Paris, France).
Professor Gholamreza Aavani, Director of Iranian Institute of Philosophy.
Dermot Moran, Professor of Philosophy (Metaphysics and Logic), School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. “Having organised conferences myself, I know how difficult it is to keep everyone happy. You did a great job and your student helpers were excellent. Your event was indeed open and democratic and I came away with a very good impression as I already told you”.
Josiane Boulad-Ayoub, de la Société Royale du Canada Académie des Lettres et Sciences humaines. Département de philosophie, UQAM. Professeur titulaire de philosophie moderne et titulaire de la
Fred Dallmayr, Packey J. Dee Professor, Departments of Philosophy and Political Science. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA. “Having returned safely from Moscow I want to thank you again for inviting me and allowing me to participate in the Philosophy Day proceedings... That afternoon with its book presentations demonstrated the intellectual vibrancy of the Moscow Institute of Philosophy”.
Dermot Moran,
Жан Феррари (Jean Ferrari), руководитель комитета по образованию при Исполкоме МФФО. “Chère Marietta, de retour à la maison, nous voulons, ma femme et moi, vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre accueil amical et vous féliciter pour la parfaite organisation de ces journées de la philosophie, en particulier celle de votre table ronde que j'ai trouvée extrèmemement intéressantes”.
Univ. Prof. i. R. Dr. Herta Nagl-Docekal, Vice President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies, Department of Philosophy, Vienna University, Wien, Austria. “Dear Director Guseinov, dear Marietta, thank you very much for the notes of appreciation you sent to the CD members of FISP. But I think it is rather up to us to express heartfelt gratitude: My warmest thanks for organizing such an interesting international conference, for sharing with us the special event of commemoration of the Russian philosopher Solovyov, and for being such wonderful hosts throughout our meeting!”
Hans Poser, Member of the Steering Committee of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies, Institut für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. “Dear Marietta, back to Berlin it is my first act to express my warmest thanks for all what you have done to arrange this stimulating meeting at Moscow: I know how difficult it is to organize such a congress! You have managed it in an excellent way, so that it has been a great success for you and for the Institute. Personally, I have been happy to see all my colleagues and old friends as Guseinow, Lektorsky, Stepin and Kassavin”.
Рузана Псху, доцент Университете Дружбы народов. «Очень интересные доклады, интересные люди, теплая атмосфера и самое главное, интересная тема. Спасибо».
Сергей Серебряный, профессор РГГУ. «Еще и еще благодарю Вас за то, что Вы пригласили меня участвовать в Международном дне философии. Было очень интересно, хотя, как всегда в подобных случаях, более интересно было просто общаться с людьми по поводу того, о чем говорилось на заседаниях. Презентация книг под конец была просто праздником!» |