Prof. Andrey Pavlenko
Born: 1958,Riga,USSR
[M.S.:] 22 May, 1985, from the Department Philosophy of Science, Moscow State University
[Ph.D.:] 12 June, 1989, from the Department Philosophy of Science, Moscow State University.
Ph.D. Thesis is “ Reconstruction of Epistemological Turn in modern Cosmology”.
[Supervisor for M.S. and Ph.D.:] Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.T.Meljuhin.
Research Positions
- June 1990 - March 1996 - Research Scientist,Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences
- 1996 - June 2000 - Senior Research Scientist,Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences
- Since June May 2000 by now Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- Since June May 2000 by now – Full Professor, Moscow State University and Moscow State University of Friendship
- October, 2004 - Visiting Professor,Athens University
- October 2012 - Invited Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kaunas University of Technology
Administrative Positions |
- January 2002 by now Co-Director of the Russian Summer Programme for Young Investigators in Antiquity,
- August 2003 – August 2006, Chairperson of the International Local Society for Studying area of Science and Religion Dialog.
- May 2005 by now, Leader of the researching group in Ontology of Science (Institute of Philosophy).
- 2010 -2012 - Scientific Supervisor of the International Conference "Science,Philosophy, Religion" in Dubna (Russia)
Scientific Awards and Fellowships |
- August 2003, Awards of Institute Metanexus, USA.
- February 2005, Honorable Awards of General Program for Science and Spirituality (GPSS), Paris.
Membership in International Societies and Committees |
- Since 2001 by now - Associated Member of the International Society for Universal Dialog (ISUD)
- (2002 -2004) - Associated Member of the International Platonic Society (IPSOC)
- (1999-2001), 2005-2006 - Associated Member of the American Philosophical Association (APA)
Areas of Previous Research
- The Problem of Extrapolation in Modern Science (1982 - 1985).
- Methodological Tendences in Modern Physics and Cosmology (1985 - 1988).
- The Theories of Cyclical Development in Sociology (Danilevsky, Spengler, Toynbee) 1988-1990.
- The Problems of fundamental Ontology (1990-1993)
- The norms and stundards of scientific Knowledge (1993-1996)
- Epistemological Turnabout in European Cosmology (1996-1999)
- “Theater” and “Theory” as the tools of Representation (1999 -2004)
- The problem of possible Being of Technique (2002-2004)
- The problem of intersubjective justification of scientific knowledge (2005-2008)
- The Problem of Observability (2009 -2011)
- The problem of Theoretical object's existing (2012 - by now)
Since 1987 by now has more than 180 Scientific publications,among them has seven books, (1997, 1997, 2006, 2010, 2011,2012,2012).
- 1997, Pavlenko A.N. European Cosmology: foundation of Epistemological Turnabout, Moscow, INRADA, 256 p.p. (In Russian).
- 1997, Pavlenko A.N. Being at its Threshold, Moscow, IPhRAS, 230 p. (In Russian).
- 2006, Pavlenko A.N. Theory and Theater, S.-Petersburg, 247 p. (In Russian).
- 2010, Pavlenko A.N. The Possibility of Technique’s Being, 253 p. (In Russian).
- 2011, Pavlenko A.N. Ratiofundamentalism and its overcoming, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2011, 246 p.
- 2012, Pavlenko A.N. The Limits of Intersubjectivity (A Critical View on the Communicative Ability for the Justification of Knowledge),S.-Petersburg, Aletheia,278 p.
- 2012, The philoaophical Problems of Cosmology, Moscow, URSS, 206 p.
Andrey N.Pavlenko, Ratiofundamentalism and its overcoming, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2011, 246 p.
“Ratiofundamentalism and Its Overcoming” is a fundamental investigation demonstrating the insufficiency of the old approaches to the tasks of rational mind (of the scientific rationality), and first of all, to “theory” and “experience” interpretation, as the tasks of taming nature by human rationality. Not only the failure of the “empiricism” program in the modern physical-cosmological knowledge is made clear, but also the expectancies of the “communicative program” in epistemology are subjected to a profound criticism. The logical-epistemological unfoundedness of the main propositions of the communicative program is demonstrated: “general validity” takes the place of “truth”, “communicative action” – the place of “theory”, and “society” – the place of “an individual”. It is also shown that ratiofundamentalism was initiated in the history of European rationality by René Descartes who treated the old Parmenides’ identity of thinking and being in his own way.
Teaching Position
- Professor of Moscow State University, (Half Time)
- Professor of Moscow State University for Friendship, (Half Time)
E-mail: anpavlenko@mail.ru
Department of Philosophy of Logic and Epistemology, Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences, Researching Group "Ontology".
Volchonka 14, Moscow, Russia, 119991.