Ruben Apressyan
On Relativity of Absolute and Relative in Morality.
2. Precautionary Principle (in UNESCO Documents).
3. Environmental Ethics (in UNESCO Documents).
4. The Ethics of Space Use (in UNESCO Documents).
5. The Golden Rule in the History of Philosophic Thought.
The Perishabilities of Love
(on a novel “Collector”, by John Fawles).
Karl Ballestrem
The Problems of International Justice
1. Political ethics and the concept of justice.
2. Theories of international justice.
3. Who is our neighbour? The moral relevance of borders.
4. Rich countries, poor countries: problems of exchange and retribution.
5. Human rights and humanitarian interventions.
Abdusalam Gusseinov
1. How and Why Moral Absolutes are Possible?
2. Moral Paradoxes: the Main List.
3. Moral Paradoxes: the Ways of Solution.
4. The Golden Rule in the Real Experience of Moral Life.
5. The Rational Faith of Leo Tolstoy.
Karen Swassjan
Morality at the Age of Science
1. Introduction to the Problem: “Double Truth” of the Medieval Philosophy as the Paradigm of Contemporary Spirituality.
2. The Genesis of Science in the Change of Ideological Hegemon: Knowledge for Faith.
3. The Age of Enlightenment, or Expansion of Scientific Mode of Thinking into the all Dominions of Culture. Heterogeneity of “Pure Reason” and “Practical Reason”.
4. Scientific Agnosticism = Moral Nihilism. Non-morality of Science as the Opposite Side of Non-Scientific Character of Morality.
5. The Crisis of the Foundations of Morality. Dead-ends and Perspectives.
Nijole Vasilievene
1. An Experience of Plantation of Ethical Principles in an Industrial.
2. An Experience of Acceptation of Ethical Principles in an Industrial Enterprise.
Boris Yudin
Ethical Problems of Science and Technology
1. Science, technology, values. Various interpretations of Science – Technology Relation, from one Hand, and Social Values, from Another.
2. “Internal” and “External” Ethics of Science and Technology. Ethical Norms of Communication Within Scientific Community.
3. Main Dilemmas of the Ethics of Conduct in Science and Technology. Social Responsibility in Fundamental and Applied Researches.