KYIV WINTER SESSION Symposium and Workshop
February 1-4, 2006
February 1 |
“Public Morality: Research Methodology, Normative-Ethical and Applied-Ethical Issues”
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Anatoliy Konverskiy
(Kyiv) |
Welcome Address
Ruben Apressyan
“The Phenomenon of Public Morality”(Research Project Presentation) |
Abdusalam Gusseinov
“Morality in Public Life”
Tatiana Mishatkina
“Public Morality: Normative-Ethical and Applied-Ethical Research Issues” |
А natoliy Ermolenko
“Ethics of Discourse: Justification and Implication” |
February 2 |
Center for Postgraduate Education
Т atiana Abolina
“The Problem of Public Morality Institutionalization in Modern World”
Nijole Vasilievene
“Institutional Formation of Socially Responsible Conduct: Case Analysis”
Andrei Prokofiev
“The Idea of State Moral Neutrality and the Issue of Gambling Business in Russian Public Discourse”
Olga Artemieva
“Social Ethics of Virtues”
Margarita Korzo
“The Social Doctrines of Russian Orthodox Church and Vatican” |
Polina Gadjikurbanova
“Ethics of Social Responsibility” |
February 3 |
Workshop in Case Analysis in Teaching Ethics
Center for Postgraduate Education
Lesia Khandogina
“Arts and Authorities: the Failure of memorial complex “Memory Park” on Bajkov Mountain in Kyiv” |
Irina Maslikova
“Social Responsibility of Business: “Nestle” Aggressive Marketing” |
Igor Larionov
“Academic Ethics: The Case of Martin Heidegger”
Oleg Aisberg
“Informative Consent for Treatment”
Irina Vasilevskaya
“Abortion. The Case of Christopher” |
Vilena Boronnikova
“Tortures. Prison Doctor's Choice”
Elena Kunderevich
“Lying in Politics . The Case on US-Iran Weapons Deal” |
Irina Abdrashitova
“Obligation and Consciousness: Inner-corporate Conflict”
Natalia Khafizova
“Toleration in Public Morals” |
Maria Kliuzova
“Discipline and Humaneness. Honest Student”
Maria Rohozha
“The Criteria of Action Evaluation: Danish Jews' Rescue in 1943” |
Andrei Sychev
“New Orleans after “Catherine”: Moral Catastrophe” |