The HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching
The Advancement of University Education in Ethics
The Second Summer School

Cicovacki Predrag

Ph.D., Philosophy; Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross. Areas of specialisation: Kant Philosophy, Ethics of Conflict Resolution, Peace Studies, the problems of evil and violence.


Epstein (Epshtein) Mikhail N.
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Cultural Theory and Russian Literature, Emory University; author of 17 books and some 400 articles on philosophy, culture, and literature, translated into in 14 languages.

Kobzev Artem
Professor, Head, Department of Chinese Ideology and Culture, Institute for Orient Studies; Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Head, Chair of Cultural Studies, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Chief Research Fellow, Institute for Far East Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. An author of four books and over 400 articles on Chinese history, science, and culture.

Krasnova Tatiana
Ph.D. (Psychology), Senior Research Fellow, Center for Education Development, Byelorussian State University. Academic interests: competence approach in pedagogy, developing education, experience-based education. Interactive seminars and trainings for educators; training technologies for higher education.

Nazarov Vladimir
Professor, Head, Department of Theology and Studies in Religion, Leo Tolstoy Tula State University of Education. Academic interests: philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, applied ethics, history of Russian Ethics, esoteric teachings. Main publications: Phenomenology of Wisdom: The Images of Wiseman in the History of Culture (Tula, 1993), The Puzzles of Russian Interfluve (Moscow: Vieche, 2003), Introductory Theology (Moscow: Gardariki, 2004), Ethical Education in Russia: in History and Today (Tula, 2004), Applied Ethics (Moscow: Gardariki, 2005)

Tischenko D. Pavel
Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Academic interests: bioethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of science and technology. Main publications: Introduction to Bioethics (Moscow: Progress-Traditsia, 1998, editor, coauthor), Bio-Power at the Age of BioTechnologies (Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 2001), "Bioethics" (Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary, Moscow: Gardariki, 2001, p. 39-41).

Updated: 15.08.2005.