The HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching
The Advancement of University Education in Ethics
Regional Faculty

Abolina Tatiana G.

Dr. Sc., Philosophy; Professor, Department of Ethics and History of Culture, Kiev National University, Ukraine. Academic interests: normative and applied ethics. Publicatios: "Historical Fates of Morals (philosophical and ethical analysis)", "Ethics".

Nijole Vasiljeviene
Dr. Sc., Philosophy; Senior research fellow; Head of the Center for Business/ Applied Ethics; Associated professor of ethics and business/ professional ethics at the Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. The main publications: Business Ethics and codes of conduct: Philosophical Origins, Methodological Reasoning and Peculiarities of Modern Practice (2000); Business Ethics: World Tendencies and Actualities in Post-socialist Countries (2001); Ethical foundations of economy - theory and practice (in co-authorship) (2003).

Devyatkin Sergei
Cand. Sc., Philosophy (Ph.D); Head, Department of Philosophical Anthropology, Novgorod State University; Director of Novgorod Center for Advanced Study and Education. Academic interests: philosophy of nonviolence. Main publications: "Gandism" (2001), "Philosophy of Satyagraha" (1996).

Tatiana V. Mishatkina
Dr. Sc., Philsophy; Professor, Department of Philosophy and Humanitarian Sciencies, The National institute for Higher Education; Professor of the Department of Phsihology and Ethics, The Belorussian State Economic University. Academic interests: general, applied, professional and biomedical ethics. Recent publications: textbooks Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, etc.

Updated: 19.08.2005.